Man with grey hair and beard wearing black suit with gold and silver tie and white dress shirt in front of black background

Andrew Ryan

Executive Director of Information Technology Services and Chief Information Officer

Offices & Programs


Andrew Ryan joined the staff of Centre College in 2017 as executive director of Information Technology Services and chief information officer. Ryan’s 32-year career in the United States Air Force included 25 years as an officer. He served throughout the United States and across the globe, with commissions in 10 states and five countries, including California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Maryland, Oklahoma and Texas, as well as England, Japan, South Korea and Turkey. His international outlook is also informed by the eight years he spent as a child in his father’s hometown of Limerick, Ireland. 

Ryan has been military deputy for the Defense Information Systems Agency operations center at Fort George Mead in Maryland. His appointment included leadership and management oversight to more than 3,700 military, government and contract personnel in 19 divisions located at 52 installations worldwide, funded by a $3.7 billion annual budget. 

Before that, Ryan served as deputy chief for the Cyber Operations Division, as deputy group commander for the 5th Combat Communications Group, and as CEO and commander of the 51st Communications Squadron and the 31st Combat Communications Squadron. He also oversaw portal and applications development for the U.S. Special Operations Command.